Wednesday, January 25, 2023

Season Finale


Season Finale, 12x24, Oil on Canvas, See it HERE

Indeed, once I've shaken all the spiders off and given them a long drink of water, these expressive blooms create a sanctuary space.  I love my butterfly bush.  Fast growing, full of long, massive blooms all summer.  And it makes for long lasting bouquets.

But shake those spiders off.  ALL the spiders.  

Oh my gosh.  How many times have I been painting and out of the corner of my eye I see a tiny, light, almost translucent spider slowly drop from the bouquet to the table top.  Gaaah!  Arachnophobe! 

That said, I'm learning to inspect and do a little housecleaning with them and then deal with the little invaders as they come. Because they will come.  It's inevitable it appears.  The little buggers are good hiders.

But fortunately, the painting doesnt come with spiders.  It's guaranteed spider free.  Spider free, murkey water free, and no dropped petal mess.   :)

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