Thursday, November 30, 2023

It's Time To Rotate Your Artwork For A Grown-UP Christmas

Curiously Strong 

Every year.  Off goes the landscape, up goes the candy canes.  Down goes the family photo, up goes the Christmas tree quilt wall hanging.  And then the chaos and (dare I say) mess of tree, ornaments, fake snow, gingerbread house, lights, yada, yada, yada.  Dont forget the baking. My gosh, the baking.  

Actually, that's mostly in the past.  And it was fun until it wasnt.  That's when I started thinning out the decor opting for a more... "grown up" version of Christmas.  After all, the kids are adults now with their own kids so, it's their time to "enjoy" the clutter.  

Of course I enjoyed it when the kids were little.  Christmas decorations were the least of my chaos back then.  But now I appreciate a quieter backdrop.

So now, I pull out one of my Christmas paintings, like the one above, and replace my warmer, sunny landscape with a cooler, Christmassy still life.  It stays up through January along with a few other moderately "grown up"decorations.  Then I rotate it back into the cycle and pull out a February landscape.  Preferably one with snow.  My dining area will get a larger painting, most likely a white hydrangea with Christmas ornaments.  Something larger, cool and crisp that feels in harmony with the 20 degree mornings.  

I recommend rotating your artwork at least seasonally - maybe even monthly!  It's one of the quickest and least messy change of decor for me.  My little 8"x8" paintings are easily shifted out of their table top easel and replaced with a new piece. Larger pieces have a cool, dry spot for storage downstairs until they are rotated back onto a wall.  

I honestly dont know why more people dont do that. Or maybe they do.  Do you?  

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