This is the first of 4 geese paintings I did as preemptive to a larger piece. I don't paint a lot of animals so I wasn't sure it would hold my interest but it certainly did!
This and the next 3 paintings are of my only 2 surviving geese on one of ponds on our property. Nasty creatures that you cant get close to without the risk of being attacked. Sure, they look graceful. Even peaceful. But don't let that fool you. They have serrated beaks that have bruised my shins through my blue jeans. Their wing span is like an eagles and they will charge you with their necks stretched out and those wings flapping like nobodies business. But it's the beaks that will mess you up. Coyotes don't seem to have a chance with these two remaining birds.
These paintings were done from photos I took for a Craftsy photography class (in which I used a telephoto in order to keep my distance).
I did 4 with the idea I would frame them and hang them as a set in my powder room but I'm not ready to take down my little sparrow paintings so I'm offering them here. But all four are painted with the same palette and would look adorable together, in my humble opinion. :)