Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Soulful Pansies

Pansy Study, 8x8, Oil on Canvas, $125 

Soulful: adjective  of or expressive of deep feeling or emotion: soulful eyes.

Indeed, that is my objective - To put deep feeling and emotion into a painting. Or at the very least inspire such feelings and emotions.  

It's not always easy, and it's not always deep, dramatic and brooding.  Sometimes I shoot for light hearted and whimsey.  But todays post is a pansy painting that sits in the shadows with just a spot of light.  Brooding may be going to far.  Or not.  You see what you see.  You feel what you feel.  

Some people only see pansies.  In that case, I may have worked too hard. :)   I assure you, you are not wrong!  They are indeed pansies.  But artwork is intended to provoke and inspire so if all you see is the literal interpretation than I've missed the boat here.  Or you have.  Look again.  Maybe there is more to it that first appearances.  

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